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MADRID, Spain2 (PAMACC News) – African civil society organisations are pressing for a decision at the Chile Climate Change Summit taking place in Madrid, Spain, (COP 25) that recognizes the special circumstances and needs of the continent, which is among the hardest hit and the least prepared for the adverse impacts of climate change. Among other things, current projections show that the continent will warm 1.5 times faster than the global mean. In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) revealed in its Special Report that parts of Africa are already experiencing 2-degreewarming, higher than 1.50as previously estimated. Regions in Africa within 15 degrees of the equator are projected to experience an increase in hot nights as well as longer and more frequent heatwaves, according to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Climate change impacts will, therefore, affect Africa more than every other region of the world, even if ambitious targets to limit global mean temperature rise at 2 or 1.5 degrees are met. This raises a justice and equity question since Africa only contributes less than 4% of global emissions and does not benefit from the resources of the energy-intensive economic development typical of rich countries. “We cannot be treated like other regions,”says Dr Mithika Mwenda, Executive Director of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, the leading voice on climate justice in Africa. “Without substantial support, Africa will not only be unable to cope with the devastation of climate change but will be unable to contribute its share in addressing the problem.” Demands for a special status for Africa first emerged in 2015 during COP 21 in Paris, where African ministers of environment tabled the issue for considerations unsuccessfully. Informal consultations continued until COP24in Katowice, Poland, last year.The question of a special status for Africa is finally on the COP 25 agenda. “We believe this is a great opportunity to recognize that Africa is a special case requiring special attention to enable us collectively deal with the climate emergency,” says Augustine B. Njamnshi, chair of the political committee at PACJA. “We call on parties to take a decision recognising these special circumstances and the needs that go with them in terms of finance, emergency response and technology development. Recognising the special circumstances and hence special needs of Africa will lead to finding solutions to ensure that Africa has the support it needs to effectively implement the Paris Agreement.” Africa’s demand to be considered as a special case is supported by science, says Prof Seth Osafo, legal adviser of the president of the African Group of Negotiators. “The IPCC special report [2018] identifies clearly that Africa continues to be the most vulnerable region to the impacts of climate change. Last year, the cyclone (Idai) that hit southeast Africa caused serious destructions and the affected countries (Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe) and still suffering as a result of this. “Floods have increased in many parts of Africa and weather patterns have completely changed. We believe that Africa needs support, not only in terms of…
NAIROBI, Kenya (PAMACC News) - A new dawn is here. The New Partnership for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordinating Agency (NEPAD) has been renamed the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD). The rationale behind the establishment of the African Union Development Agency is to ensure that it acts as a vehicle for the better execution of the African Union Agenda 2063, a 50 year common continental strategic framework to promote inclusive growth and support sustainable development by the year 2063. “The transformation from NEPAD Agency to AUDA-NEPAD will be showcased from the start, in the difference we will be making through our new mandate…We embrace this transformation and I have full confidence that we are all ready for the task at hand,” says Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, AUDA-NEPAD Agency CEO. With a renewed mandate to coordinate and execute priority regional and continental projects to promote regional integration towards the accelerated realisation of Agenda 2063,the Agency is not losing sight of the importance of sustainable environmental management and optimum utilisation of natural resources as a central pillar for Africa’s economic transformation. “Since its creation, we have constantly integrated into each of our programmes, the sustainability and protection of our biodiversity. Since October 2001, with the launch of the Environment Initiative, mechanisms have been put in place to combat global warming, such as combating land degradation, wetland conservation, the sustainable conservation and use of marine and coastal resources, and the cross-border conservation and management of natural resources,” explains Dr. Mayaki. As Dr. Mayaki puts it, the NEPAD’s founding framework and Environment Action Plan clearly recognisesa sustainable environment as a pre-requisite to achieving the continent’s overall goal of sustainable growth and development. It is worth noting therefore that this design is largely driven by the fact that African countries’ economies are agrarian in nature, heavily relying on natural resources sensitive sectors for growth. As part of its core mandate, the AUDA-NEPAD contributes to strengthening the ability of member States and Regional Economic Communities to integrate climate change and sustainable development responses into national development processes. It has also been key in the provision of capacity building, financial and technical support in the areas of adaptation, technology development and finance; and their inter-linkages. Concerning natural resources management, the Agency has been instrumental in promoting adaptive management, participatory decision making and sustainable financing through funds for ecosystems services management including tourism development and management. One example of such initiatives is the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) which responds to the African Union mandate to bring 100 million hectares of degraded land into restoration by 2030, as expressed in the political declaration endorsed by the Africa Union in October 2015 for the creation of the umbrella Africa Resilient Landscapes Initiative (ARLI). It complements the African Landscapes Action Plan (ALAP) and the broader Climate Change, Biodiversity and Land Degradation (LDBA) programme of the African Union. AFR100 contributes to the achievement of domestic restoration and sustainable development commitments, among many other targets. The initiative directly contributes to the Sustainable…
IBADAN, Nigeria (PAMACC News) - Journalists from Africa reporting on agriculture have been drilled on the importance of using research findings to enrich and better tell stories. The three days training November 11-13 organised by International Institute of Tropical Agriculture,IITA with support from the International Fund of Agriculture Development,IFAD in Ibadan-Nigeria brings together some 20 Journalists from different African countries.Experts say research evidence is a rich resource which could be used by journalists to create exciting stories to impact the different actors or intermediaries in the development value chain.“The works of researchers will not achieve the needed results if the target population don’t have the information. It is the role of the media to relay research results to farmers and policy makers,” says Dr. Razack Adeoti, agricultural economist, CGIAR.For example he noted that news articles based on findings from an agricultural research project on a new seed variety can inform extension workers about how to improve the crop resilience, yield, and income of farmers, noted.Participants examined among others, opportunities and challenges facing African agriculture, overcoming obstacles to reporting science and policies,reporting skills for journalists, etc.A document from IITA notes that researchers working for universities, governments or private companies are doing vital investigation into issues food security and sexual health – that directly affect the everyday life of people around the world. However they often communicate the results only to other researchers.Agriculture experts called on Journalists to help researchers get their results out to the wider public.“Research results can make good stories reason why journalists must work hand in hand with researchers,” notes Djana Mignouna ,regional economists with CGIAR.He adds that research results can create powerful stories for news and features that are directly relevant to audiences. The training accordingly offered Journalists support and ideas on using research to create debates and inform people of problems and possible solutions that can change or even save their lives.The director general of IITA Nteranya Sanginga promise to hence work with journalists to get research results to the target public.The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) accordingly,received a three-year research grant for “Enhancing capacity to apply research evidence in policy for youth engagement in agribusiness and rural economic activities in Africa” (CARE) funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The grant is designed to provide opportunities to engage youth to improve the availability and use of evidence for youth policies and decision-making related to youth participation in agribusiness and rural economic activitiesThe overarching objective of the project is to improve the availability, exchange, dissemination and use of research findings in the field of agribusiness and rural economic activities from young African scholars into policy and practice in support of economic growth and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, working at local, national and regional levels in Africa.CARE ultimately intends to have an impact on youth and their partners’ capacities to deliver improved policies and investments that are effective at supporting youth in agriculture,IITA revealed.
BATOURI, Cameroon (PAMACC News) - Wildlife officials in Batouri-Cameroon on Wednesday November 13, 2019 arrested two people for elephant ivory trafficking. The two were found in illegal possession of two ivory tusks. The arrest was carried out during a crackdown operation led by the Kadey Divisional Delegation for Forestry and Wildlife in collaboration with the gendarmerie. A non-governmental organization called LAGA assisted wildlife officials in the operation. The two suspects aged 30 and 29 were attempting to sell the ivory tusks in Batouri after travelling from Kenzou in the East Region with the tusks wrapped in a blanket and hidden inside a travelling bag. When they arrived the town a day before their arrest, they took up lodging at a hotel and were just about succeeding in selling the tusks when wildlife officials stepped in the hotel room to find them red handed. They violently resisted arrest as the team made swift moves to subdue and handcuffed the fighting pair. The bag of ivory was found hidden under the hotel bed. Sources close to the investigations that spoke on condition of anonymity say they are part of an even bigger network based in Kenzou which is close to the border with the Central African Republic and equally located along the Bertoua to Yokadouma road. Ivory trafficking networks have developed an illegal flourishing business there. The networks control ivory trafficking from the Central African Republic and the small town serves as a collection point for ivory coming in from the neighbouring country. Ivory and pangolin scales that arrives the country are stocked there before being moved to bigger towns such as Bertoua, Yaounde and Douala. The same sources say the one of the traffickers had been twice with ivory tusks and released without any charges made. He arrested in March 2019 in Yokadouma by the gendarmerie with over 250kg of ivory seized. He was released and no charges filed against him and wildlife officials who have competence over the management of such cases where never involved in the matter bringing to question what happened with the dozens of ivory tusks seized. He had equally been arrested with ivory tusks in Gamboula in the East Region and released with no chargers made. When traffickers are arrested and released, they simply step up the killing and trafficking in parts of protected species to make up for what they lost in terms of bribing and products seized. Elephants are classified as protected species according to the wildlife law governing the sector and over the years dozens of traffickers have been arrested in the country with ivory. This has been achieving results with substantial fall in ivory prices witnessed all over the country and also leading to a drop in the black market demand for ivory. This equally indicates the importance of international commitment in stopping the trade as China which is the main destination for ivory products have recently been making efforts to clamp down on the trade, hampering the flow of ivory into…
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