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PAMACC News - 22 mars, elles ne connaissent pas. Ce qui les préoccupe surtout, c’est la corvée d’eau et celle du bois sans laquelle le repas n’est pas prêt le soir. Le risque que le père de famille se fâche si ça arrive est grand. Des préoccupations, bien loin des fronfrons de la fête de la Journée mondiale de l’eau, célébrée à Cotonou. Il est 17heures à Torio, un village de l’arrondissement de Bogobogo, dans la commune de Banikoara. C’est habituellement l’heure où il faut remplir les jarres d’eau pour l’usage le soir. Une partie des femmes de ce village, tous âges confondus ont rendez-vous pour la corvée journalière de l’eau. Réunies autour d’un puits à grand diamètre, elles sont une dizaine à se relayer pour aller chercher au fond le précieux liquide, qui présente l’aspect d’une eau potable. Deux seaux attachés à deux cordes différentes permettent de faire l’exercice. Le liquide, une fois retiré est versé dans des bassines immédiatement convoyés à la maison par les plus petites femmes. Elles font ce va-et-vient plusieurs fois de suite en fonction des besoins. Quid de la qualité de l’eau Nomma Abdul Wahab, le Chef d’étude à la Mairie de Banikoara, doute, quand-même de la qualité de cette eau. Pour l’intéressé, ces genres de puits à grand diamètre sont légions dans la commune mais pour chacun d’eux, aucune étude n’a été faite pour la potabilité de cette eau. Il déplore la résistance de certaines femmes à utiliser l’eau des forages dont il certifie la qualité parce que leur mise en fonction est précédée de quelques études techniques. Il y a aujourd’hui dans la commune de Banikoara quatre-vingt-quatre forages pour près de douze mille habitants. Pas de justice en matière d’eau Si les femmes, comme d’habitude, n’ont pas voulu s’exprimer, c’est Djibril Amidou, un garçon, la trentaine qui prend leur défense. Au forage, souligne-t-il, la bassine est à cinq (5) francs ou vous payez cent (100) francs pour tout le mois pour avoir accès à cette eau, de l’argent dont ne disposent pas ces femmes, explique Djibril. Or, au puits à grand diamètre, l’eau est gratuite.A une vingtaine de mètres du puits à grand diamètre, justement, se dresse un forage autour duquel est réunie l’autre partie des femmes, celles qui ont les cinq (5) FCFA pour la bassine d’eau. Ici, l’or bleu est pompé. C’est moins pénible que de l’autre côté du puits à grand diamètre, en plus, à ciel ouvert où le risque d’accident est souvent grand. Qui s’en plaindrait ?
LAIKIPIA, Kenya (PAMACC News) - Two years ago, the global community drafted what is now known as the ‘Paris Agreement on climate change,’ which seeks for international interventions to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C.But according to a new study conducted in all Kenya’s 21 semi arid land counties, at least five of them have already surpassed the 1.5 °C mark, and the impact especially on cattle survival is devastating. The most worrying part of the study is the projections, which show that the temperatures are going t rise even further in the coming years.This comes just four years after the World Bank released a report synthesising scientific knowledge on global warming, which warned that the earth was on a path to a 4oC warmer by the end of the century - with huge implications for humanity. According to the new study commissioned by the Canada based International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) – through a project known as Pathways to Resilience in Semi-arid Economies (PRISE), West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet are the most affected counties with temperature rise of 1.91oC in the past 50 years. Others include Turkana (1.8oC), Baringo (1.8oC), Laikipia (1.59oC) and Narok (1.75oC). The most startling fact is that the study also found out that the overall population of cattle in all the 21 semi arid land counties has decreased by more than 26 % in the past 38 years, and the scientists who carried out the study are attributing this to the constantly rising temperatures due to global warming, and reduced or unpredictable rainfall patterns.So far, Turkana County is the most affected in terms of cattle population reduction, recording a drop of near 60 % in the past 38 years ending 2015, followed by Machakos, Garissa, Kitui and Kajiado counties according to the study conducted by scientists from Kenya Markets Trust (KMT). This is bad news particularly for Turkana, Garissa and Kajiado because livestock is the main source of livelihoods for residents in those counties.However, all is not lost. While the cattle population was on the decline, sheep and goats’ overall population in the 21 semi arid counties increased by 76.3% during the same period, with some counties like Laikipia and Lamu recording 256.6% and 458% increase respectively.According to the scientists, cattle can thrive well if the temperatures do not surpass 30oC and not below 10oC. But small animals like sheep and goats, and also camels can tolerate warmer temperatures, hence the reason why they were able to multiply exponentially in the wake of the rising temperatures. These findings should therefore be a wake-up call for all counties. They should use such scientific information to reevaluate what is happening in terms of rising temperatures and rainfall variations and the projections in the next few years in order to come up with sound policies that are responsive to…
ACCRA, Ghana (PAMACC News) - Long-term climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of extreme weather and climate events. In Ghana, some regions have unexpectedly experienced incessant downpour in the month of March. Yet heatwaves abound throughout the countrol. Heavy rains and heatwaves are among hazards faced by the ever-growing global population.With urbanization and the spread of megacities, communities are exposed and vulnerable.And people get worried.In a WhatsApp group discussion, a lady quizzed: “Why does it rain only at night these days?”Her question attracted a quick explanation in meteorology and climatology that “it rains mostly in the night because air is generally cooler at night, and cool air holds less moisture than warm air resulting in rainfall”.But a socio-emotional explanation of the weather trend was sought after than the scientific account – the questioner was much worried at the lonely cold nights she has had to bear as a spinster.And the sensually sexual reactions to the lady’s question were as intriguing as the unexpected changes in the weather condition.“For smooth facilitation of reproduction,” one retorted in response to the question.Another member on the platform also stated that “it is good for those of us who can’t afford air conditioning and its attendant electricity bills to enjoy cool weather”.The group chat exposed the comfort and discomfort of extreme increases in environmental temperature.Hot Discomforting BreezeBarely a fortnight before the rains set in, many a family suffered heat waves day and night.Social media had been agog with a circular cautioning an unbearable heat during daytime and at night.“This is as a result of heat waves stemming from the emission of greenhouse gases. Experts have warned us to prepare for more hot days and warm nights. This preparation will require smart adaptation strategies and engaging in climate resilient practices to cope with the damage that has been done,” said the unknown author of the circular.It was therefore welcoming when the rains arrived after a long dry spell of heatwaves that cut deep into the skin.Kojo and her partner enjoyed a soothing night sleep after an evening’s downpour.“Now I can put my legs on my wife,” he exclaimed.Apparently, intimacy between the couple had been strained by the heat waves. The two could hardly stay in bed at night; their romantic intimacy of cuddling suffered in the hands of discomforting night sweat under the hot breeze.“It gets irritating to go skin-to-skin when you and your partner are already drowning in sweat. Even late night cold showers don’t help matters,” said Kojo. “How can you be on heat when you’re already on fire?”Persistent extreme weather eventsAs soothing as it may have been, the first rains in the year 2018 left Ghana’s capital city flooded.Up north in Tamale, the heat waves remained unbearable even before Midday.New research by scientists at Stanford University predicts extreme weather events are set to occur more frequently, even if the central goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement to limit the global temperatures rise to well under 2°C is met.The researchers analyzed…
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, (PAMACC News) – Participants attending the African Climate Talks II (ACT!-II) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia want Africa to change how it does business to reap the benefits of the Paris Agreement.Attending the two-day talks dubbed “Market policy versus market mechanisms in the implementation of the Paris Agreement”, that begun on March 23, speakers called for an urgent shift in how the continent will forge ahead to escape the consequences of climate change.Ambassador Lumumba Di-Aping, from South Sudan and former chair of the G77 called for strengthening of the current regime, noting that the current Paris Agreement is fundamentally flawed and inadequate.“The agreement will be the main basis for multilateral cooperation during the first period of commitments (2020-2030). The African Continent in this new architecture is tragically weaker than even before,” Di-Aping said. He urged Africa to reinvent itself consistently through science.“We must think“out of the box” to build the framework for a more effective effort from 2025 onwards – one consistent with Africa’s survival and prosperity,” he said.Dr James Murombedzi, the Officer in Charge of the Africa Climate Centre Policy (ACPC) noted that the continent needs to invest in strong evidence based African narrative.“This narrative should have a science, research and policy interface. We also should invest in informed societies that participate in the shaping of policies and strengthen capacities of countries,” Murombedzi said.Prof Zehurin Woldu, Acting Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia urged participants to devise ways and means of tackling climate change disruptions.“The temperatures are rising and Africa is suffering. Let us unite to save our continent. Let us develop sustainable ways of dealing with climate change,” Woldu said.Di-Aping noted that Africa must move beyond the old dichotomy of “mitigation and adaptation.”“We must look at each sector – agriculture, industry etc – and focus on integrating climate considerations into wider industrial and development planning in an integrated way. The climate regime must focus not just on “emissions reductions” but on the real solutions needed to achieve them,” Di-Aping said.He urged for negotiations which provide a space where these with problems, with solutions and with money, can meet as part of a structured process. “We need to make the UNFCCC more relevant to the real world. The Africa Renewable Energy Initiative is to be commended as an important step in the energy sector - we need matching initiatives in each other sector,” he said.He called for technology and infrastructure marshal plan which can implement solutions in practice to meet Africa’s development goals.“Let us think about the financial sector and financial instruments and engineering. If we need a major plan to address 1.50C, the question arises how to fund it. Clearly the $10 billion in the GCF will not be enough; and developed countries have no intention of delivering $100 billion in practice,” Di-Aping said.He called for a permanent negotiating forum supported by government missions to enable more systematic discussion of solutions and how to implement them in practice. “Meeting for a…
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