Sustainable Development

BUJUMBURA, Burundi (PAMACC News) - « L’arbre est le centre de la vie, indispensable pour la vie humaine ». Là, c’est la phrase maîtresse de Jadot Nkurunziza, un jeune burundais, engagé dans la protection de l’environnement.

Il n’a que 24 ans. Et cet attachement à l’arbre lui a valu le surnom de ‘’Giti’’, signifiant ‘’ arbre’’ en Kirundi langue nationale.

Dans cette aventure salutaire pour notre planète, il y a entraîné des milliers d’autres jeunes burundais.  Il est à la tête de plus de 6000 jeunes recrutés des quatre coins du pays.

A son actif, plus 50 millions d’arbres déjà plantés dans les 17 provinces sur les 18 que compte le Burundi, donc mis à part Cankuzo, située à l’Est, à plus de 200 km de Bujumbura.

Jadot vient d’initier un projet de planter des fleurs sur les boulevards, les avenues, devant des maisons, …, des centres urbains dont Bujumbura, la capitale burundaise.  « Et ce pour les rendre plus attractifs, embellis », glisse-t-il, avec un sourire aux coins de ses lèvres.

L’amour de l’arbre date de longtemps chez ce jeune et est comme un héritage.  « C’est à 5 ans que je me suis senti pour la première fois très attaché à l’arbre. J’étais en 2ème année de l’Ecole Primaire. J’étais en grandes vacances chez mon grand-père » raconte-t-il.

Le jeune Nkurunziza  apprend qu’il a été étonné de voir l’attachement de son grand-père à l’arbre : « Il passait presque toute la journée à planter des arbres, à entretenir des pépinières. Toute sa propriété s’était transformée presque dans une petite forêt.»

Au bas âge, Jadot l’accompagnait et lui embêtait avec des questions sur l’importance de l’arbre, son utilité : « Il m’expliquait que c’est à base  des  arbres qu’on fabrique les bancs-pupitres, les chaises, les portes, qu’on a de l’air sain, … Donc, que l’arbre est la source de vie ».

Dès lors, son grand-père est devenu son inspiration, affirme-t-il, sourire aux lèvres.  A son retour à Bujumbura, chez son père, Jadot Nkurunziza commence à planter des arbres fruitiers dans l’enclos de son père, au bord de quelques avenues  de Nyakabiga, son quartier d’enfance, commune Mukaza au centre de Bujumbura.

C’est à 10 ans, que ce cadet d’une fratrie de cinq enfants s’est joint à d’autres jeunes, certains plus âgés que lui, pour fonder une association dénommée ‘’ Association pour la préservation de l’environnement-ça nous concerne tous’’.

Très vite,  grâce à son charisme, à son esprit d’organisation, teint noir, taille élancée, Jadot prend le leadership.   « Multiplier, planter et distribuer les nouveaux plants gratuitement », tel est son but ultime.   « Un pari en cours d’être gagné », se réjouit M. Nkurunziza, faisant état de 57.263.000 arbres déjà planté, comprenant ici des arbres forestiers, fruitiers, ceux qui cohabitent avec les autres cultures.

 « Pour avoir des plants, nous organisons des journées de collecte des graines dans les forêts, d’aménagement et d’installation des pépinières », décrit-t-il, notant que par après, des équipes sont formées pour l’entretien, l’irrigation des pépinières, etc.

Bref, le gros du travail est fait gratuitement et dans les grandes vacances de juillet à sept de chaque année, la cotisation d’un membre étant fixée 0.7 dollars.

Et de dévoiler son rêve : « Nous rêvons que dans quinze ans, le Burundi soit vert.» Pour lui, cela signifie qu’on va planter des arbres, des fleurs dans tout espace non occupé par une maison, des routes, et d’autres infrastructures.

Et pour y arriver, Jadot Nkurunziza a besoin de mobiliser plus de 28 mille dollars par an, une meilleure compréhension publique.

« Tout le monde devait comprendre qu’en plantant un arbre, il contribue au développement du pays, de la planète », lance-t-il, signalant qu’actuellement, ils ont comme défis : le manque du matériel, de moyens de transport des plants d’une province à une autre, etc.

Pour être plus efficace, Jadot Nkurunziza fait ses études universitaires à St Lawrence University en Ouganda, option : Sciences environnementales et changement climatique.

Ses actions en faveur de la protection de l’environnement, lui ont permis d’être décoré. Cas du prix accordé par la Francophonie en 2014 : Prix des jeunes talents du Burundi ; le prix accordé par le Président Nkurunziza lors de la journée International du travail et des travailleurs en 2010, celui octroyé par le Partenariat des forêts du Bassin du Congo en 2015 au Cameroun.

Son engagement, sa détermination dans la protection de l’environnement a permis également à cet orphelin de père à bénéficier des formations en la matière en Chine, Maroc, Arabie Saoudite, Tanzanie, Côté d’Ivoire, etc.  

Une clé aussi pour participer dans les grandes rencontres environnementales comme ce fut le cas lors de la COP22 tenue du 07 au 18 novembre 2017, à Marrakech au Maroc.

YAOUNDE, Cameroon (PAMACC News) - The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Government of Chad are firming up the Action Plan for the Elaboration of the Economic Diversification Strategy of the country which they’ve agreed to hinge on the development of agribusiness; the expansion of the livestock sector with a focus on leather and meat production; and the smooth entry of the country into the knowledge economy.

These were identified as anchor points for the country’s economic diversification strategy during an advisory mission to N’Djamena from 15 to 22 July 2018 by a team of ECA experts that held productive working sessions with the country’s Technical Committee on Economic Diversification under the auspices of the Minister of Economy and Development Planning – Mr. Issa Doubragne. The July mission to Chad comes after a successful scoping mission 4 months ago and tallies squarely with the recommendations of the Douala Consensus of September 2017 that calls on governments and industry captains in Central Africa to swing into the rapid diversification and industrialization of their economies.

The working teams identified renewable energy, especially solar; increasing access to Chad’s rich acquirers to expand irrigation; deepening education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and offering more access to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), as some key enablers of the Strategy.

They concurred that to effectively tease out and implement the pillars of the economic diversification strategies outlined above, efforts should be deployed to create special economic zones, industrial parks and growth clusters along transport corridors.

The working groups evoked the need to establish these factors within a solid framework in which the pursuit of long-term macroeconomic objectives would be articulated.

A consensus was also reached on the need for Chad to devise robust macroeconomic models, develop value-chain and product space analysis as well as economic growth diagnostic studies. These, they concurred, would support project definition, prioritization and investment-targeting, as well as better inform negotiations with international financial institutions.

The ECA team used the mission to underline the need for Chad to approach economic diversification and industrialization in line with the opportunities opened up by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Hence, the need to advance with market integration in Central Africa was recognized as critical to making the country a competitive investment destination. This in itself, would enable Chad to make the most of the trade-induced industrialization catalysts offered by the AfCFTA.

The Chadian and ECA parties also agreed that in its pursuit of economic diversification and industrialization, Chad needs to strengthen policy coherence and thread institutional cohesiveness.
Work in the months ahead is expected to fructify the Action Plan for the Elaboration of the Economic Diversification Strategy into a concrete structural transformation policy instrument for Chad.

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (PAMACC News) - The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) has been re-launched in South Africa, with Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Royal Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs investing some US$ 9.2 million.

“My hope for the new CDKN is that the impacts will be felt mainly by vulnerable groups that are most impacted by climate change.” said Dr Shehnaaz Moosa, director of the new Dutch-Canadian supported CDKN, which was formally launched by Pamela Moore, Chargé d’Affaires of the High Commission of Canada to South Africa, and Henk Ovink, Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 21 June.

The launch, which brought together partners new and old, included reflections on the first phase of the programme by former director Sam Bickersteth and highlighted the shift in focus for programme in its new form.

“It’s a really exciting moment to see CDKN move into a new phase which will build on the legacy of eight years of work, and to see it being led from the region to which it is delivering,” said Bickersteth, adding that Shehnaaz Moosa had been a “very steady hand on so much that CDKN has already done,” and an obvious choice to take the programme forward.
CDKN will now focus on providing developing countries with enhanced knowledge resources to support ambitious climate action, as well as boost climate leadership and learning on climate compatible development.

The network’s global and Africa programme is now led from South Africa, with Latin America and Asia regional hubs managed from Ecuador and India. Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Royal Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs will fund CDKN’s new chapter to the value of 9.2 million US$ (12 million Canadian dollars), and it will run from 2018-2021.
Speaking at the launch event in Cape Town, the Special Envoy said: “The Dutch development policy for the first time focuses on the interconnectedness of climate change and root causes of poverty, political instability, conflict and migration. The knowledge and experience of CDKN to support complex policy realities, to work in partnership with governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, and to connect human development ambitions and environmental sustainability is a very valuable asset in this strategy.”
Ms Pamela Moore said: “Climate change is a shared global challenge and Canada is committed to working together with partners around the world on climate action. Canada is pleased that a refreshed Climate and Development Knowledge Network is being launched. We are excited to be part of this global partnership for large-scale change that enables vulnerable communities adapt to climate change, mitigate its impacts, and transition to a low-carbon economy.”
CDKN will work to enrich decision-makers’ know-how and help them to accelerate climate action. “The challenge now for us is to navigate the great amount of climate information and find what’s most useful, adapt it and tailor it for developing countries’ needs,” said Dr Moosa. “Climate-vulnerable countries are eager to access and apply knowledge about ‘what works’ in climate-compatible development. That is exactly the challenge that CDKN’s new initiative aims to address.”

Knowledge for implementation
CDKN will be expanding its knowledge-sharing services. It will tailor the wealth of evidence and learning from the first eight years of CDKN and other international climate programmes to produce highly targeted knowledge and tools to support policy design and implementation. This could include best practices for building climate-resilient water infrastructure or approaches for integrating climate information into agricultural planning.
Facilitating climate leadership and learning
CDKN will continue to bring developing countries together to share their experiences on delivering climate action on the ground. It will facilitate South-South learning, helping to connect professionals who face similar climate and development challenges. Through targeted training on climate and development as well as mentoring and skill-building, CDKN aims to strengthen the capability of individuals in government, business, academia and other spheres to navigate the growing body of climate knowledge and experience, and further cultivate a new generation of climate champions.
“While the effects of climate change are increasingly evident in developing countries, the knowledge that is generated by these countries to adapt to change is becoming more relevant by the day. Therefore, we are happy to support CDKN's work to mobilise Southern knowledge and capacities to overcome climate-related development challenges,” said Robert Hofstede, Associate Director for Climate Change at IDRC.  
The initiative will focus initially on the Andean countries of Latin America, parts of Africa and South Asia – with the possibility for collaboration with other countries to join its wider learning and exchange activities. From 2018, CDKN is managed by a new alliance led by non-profit organisation SouthSouthNorth, working with Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia, and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI).

YAOUNDE, Cameroon (PAMACC News) - Cameroon journalists have been enjoined to take interest in reporting climate information data and services, cardinal instruments in development planning for policymakers and other stakeholders.

The call was made by officials of the African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Advanced School of Mass Communication, ASMAC Yaounde , at a two day workshop, June 25-26,2018 to enhance the reporting skills of communicators on the use of climate information services in development planning.

“The media has an important role to play in informing policymakers and end users on the use of climate services and data to better address environmental challenges,” says Professor Nana Nzepa, head of the Information technology department, ASMAC.

The overarching goal of enhancing the uptake of Climate Information Services (CIS) is geared at providing people and organizations with reliable, timely, user-friendly information tailored to reduce climate risks related losses as well as in capitalizing on emerging opportunities for development noted ACPC.

“Hence, factoring CIS into policy, planning and practices are crucial for Africa to achieve its development aspirations for enhanced trade competitiveness, reduced poverty and sustainable economic growth,” Journalists were told.

According to Charles Muraya, Information Management Officer ACPC, the uptake and use of climate info of CIS in Africa is influenced by the lack of reliable historical observations, coarse scale of future climate projections, weak coordinated CIS delivery, among others. On the side of the users, the main obstacles for poor uptake and utilization of CIS include limited awareness about the existence of specific climate information, poor data accessibility, and lack of capacity to use climate information in decision making processes.

“The media has not been very proactive in providing the correct information and in time for decision making. Engaging media in climate information dissemination is therefore an important step in ensuring that climate information is packaged in a form that can easily be understood and that it is also received in a timely manner,” he said.

It is against this backdrop that the training of over 30 journalists in Cameroon was organised under the theme" the use of the e-learning platform on climate information and services mainstreaming in the planning and economic development processes".

Participants were empowered using teaching tools and skills in the dissemination of climate information and services and the need to mainstream climate information in their different media content and programmes to better inform policymakers and end users.

“We expect you communicators to better advocate and sensitize legislators, decision-makers, the private sector, investors and other stakeholders on the issue and role of Climate Information Services (CIS) in development planning processes,” says Professor Nana Nzepa.
“But to do this you must first of all understand the basic notion of climate information services and data,” he said.

The different participants from community radio, national and private newspapers, radio and television appreciated the training, acknowledging its importance amidst growing climate threats.

“ It is time for the voices of Journalists to be heard in the fight against climate change, thanks to the two days training  I now know the importance of climate information services,” notes Jean Didier Ayisi, journalist and workshop participant.

Cameroon just like many African countries today suffer from the effects of climate change with many economic and social sectors increasingly vulnerable to floods, droughts, heavy winds among other calamities.

Environment experts say the dissemination of climate information services by the media for the benefit of specific users remains essential to support Africa's response to climate change.

“The fight against climate change can only be effective if decision makers and especially the population have ample climate related information,” says Augustine Njamnshi of Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, PACJA Cameroon.

Development actors say innovative ways of delivering CIS initiatives that provide science-informed solutions is vital for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Africa.

Thus investment in the deployment of robust climate information and  services  delivery  system  for  the  effective  implementation  of  Nationally  Determined Contributions (NDCs) and associated mechanisms established through the global climate governance processes is crucial according to ACPC.

The Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa (WISER) was designed by the UK Department for International Development (DfiD) in 2015 to facilitate the uptake of climate information by policymakers and vulnerable groups especially young people and women. Its pan-African component is led by the African Center for Climate Policy (ACPC), which is a hub for demand led knowledge on climate change in Africa.

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