Des maisons construites qui tiennent compte des matériaux adaptés à l’écosystème, à l’ensoleillement, à la pluviométrie et à la ventilation… Il y a longtemps que la chose est devenue rare sous nos cieux. Il n’est plus tenu rigueur à l’orientation, parce qu’on sait, de toutes les façons, que pour le confort et contre la chaleur, on peut faire usage du climatiseur ou du ventilateur. Les maisons, surtout celles des agglomérations urbaines sont donc illustrées par l’utilisation du ciment et de la tôle ondulée. Une telle maison, dans un contexte de changement climatique, risque de ne pas être confortable. L’Association de la Voûte Nubienne propose une technique qui prend en compte le climat et ses conséquences.
Didier Hubert MADAFIME, Cotonou
Cécilia Rinaudo, la Directrice Adjointe de l’Association de la VoûteNubienne était à la COP 23 qui a eu lieu à Bonn en Allemagne du 6au 17 novembre 2017. Accompagnée de la responsable du développement de ladite Association Amarys Preuss, elle était allée faire la promotion de la Voûte Nubienne. L’endroit était idéal parce qu’il était question des changements climatiques et surtout de ses menaces. Et au-delà des autres secteurs, le bâtiment est aussi celui qui sera davantage touché par le phénomène. Dans ce contexte précis d’économies menacées par des dépenses excessives en énergie, écrit Djossê Léobard Houénou, dans son ouvrage « Design7 : Architecture africaine, de la tradition à la modernité », il devient nécessaire d’imaginer des solutions innovantes qui prennent en compte nos réalités climatiques.
De quoi s’agit-il en fait ?
La Voûte Nubienne est une technique de construction ancestrale originaire de Nubie, au Sud de l’Egypte et du Nord du Soudan, inconnue en Afrique de l’Ouest, qui n’utilise ni le bois, devenu rare, ni la tôle, chère et inconfortable. Réalisée principalement en terre crue, matériau largement disponible, la Voûte Nubienne est une solution d’habitat adaptée, qui évite l’utilisation des ressources ligneuses, répondant aux usages privés et communautaires, en milieu rural comme en ville. C’est ce que propose l’Association la Voûte Nubienne pour plusieurs pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest à savoir : le Burkina-Faso, le Mali, le Sénégal et le Bénin. Il est tout à fait adapté au climat du Bénin surtout au nord, souligne Cécilia Rinaudo. « Là, on est sur un climat sec où il va faire très chaud, renchérit Madame Rinaudo qui estime que c’est une technique de construction entièrement en terre crue qui permet la réalisation de bâtiment durable, écologique ». On ne va pas utiliser du bois, de la tôle ni du ciment.
Une innovation en matière de construction
La seule chose utilisée ici, ce sont des briques en terre crue séchée au soleil pour le mur et la toiture. La propriété de la terre va donner une qualité thermique très importante, une énergie passive très importante. « Quand il va faire chaud ou froid à l’extérieur constate la Directrice Adjointe de l’Association la Voûte Nubienne, le bâtiment va être très confortable. C’est très important dans le contexte des changements climatiques. Encore plus important également avec l’augmentation des évènements climatiques violents, des vents de plus en plus violents ». De plus, le bâtiment de la Voûte Nubienne va être aussi résistant aux pluies. Donc, c’est tout à fait adapté au climat. L’innovation, c’est la toiture voûtée, d’où le nom de la Voûte Nubienne. Elle est réalisée sans coffrages et permet aux populations d’avoir accès à un habitat bas carbone, bioclimatique, durable, confortable, écologique et économique.Il s’agit pour la Directrice du développement, d’une solution très simple qui répond à des enjeux contemporains nouveaux dans un contexte des changements climatiques. Sans changer fondamentalement ce que faisaient nos grands-parents, il s’agit de répondre à un changement, à une réalité nouvelle permettant un développement économique fort dans les communautés et pour les populations elles-mêmes.
Une pratique partagée par les béninois
Henri Totin, Ingénieur des projets et management de qualité, spécialiste des questions d’économie verte- Président-Fondateur de JEVEV ONG, salue l’initiative de la Voûte Nubienne. « Il estime que le développement durable remet en cause les pratiques de construction du siècle dernier, gaspilleuses en énergie et en paysages, coûteuses en maintenance et destructrices de lieu social ». L’accessibilité à un habitat viable, qui favorise la solidarité, qui soit, efficace sur le plan environnemental, économe en ressources et créateur d’esthétique, est un défi pour nos sociétés contemporaines. Dans une émission consacrée à ce sujet sur la Radio Nationale, un citoyen béninois, confirme le confort et le bien-être des maisons en terre crue. « Mes enfants ne sont plus malades depuis que nous sommes retournés au village après avoir été chassé de l’espace quej’occupais à Cotonou sauf que je ne suis pas prêt à passer ma vie au village ».
Au carrefour de l’écologie et d’un urbanisme en crise, les questions les plus complexes et les plus épineuses qui se posent à l’humanité toute entière au cours du siècle à venir est : comment construire un habitat humain en harmonie avec la nature ?
NAIROBI Kenya (PAMACC News) - A team of scientists from the Kenya Markets Trust (KMT) on April 11, 2018 shared all the key research findings of four different thematic studies conducted in Kenya under the Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies (PRISE) project.
“The Kenya government is now focusing on the “Big Four” agenda aimed at improving livelihoods, creating jobs and growing the economy by focusing on critical areas of the economy in the next five years,” noted Kamau Kuria, the head of KMT.
“It is noteworthy that part of the PRISE study, which aimed at strengthening the understanding and knowledge of decision makers on the threats and opportunities that semi-arid economies face in relation to climate change, will go a long way in helping unlock the potential of semi-arid lands in Kenya and thus enhance their contribution to the national agenda,” he told delegates drown from Kenya , Senegal, International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Overseas Development Institute (ODI) during the event to disseminate key research findings in a Nairobi Hotel.
The study, which was commissioned by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada and the UK based Department for International Development (DFID) aims atsupporting climate resilient economic development in partner countries by identifying opportunities for adaptation that are also opportunities for investment by the public and private sectors.
“These findings from Kenya will help change the narrative in semi-arid areas,” said Dr Eva Ludifrom the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) – which is coordinating the PRISE project at a global level.
According to Dr Evans Kitui of IDRC, direct involvement of government officials both at the county and the national level is a pointer towards implementation of policies that will emanate from the four studies. “In the past, research has not been well appreciated. But now, we can see a lot of government participation,” he said.
One of the studies found that in the past 50 years, temperatures have risen in all the 21 semi arid counties in Kenya, with five of them recording an increase of more than 1.5oC increase. They include Turkana (1.8oC), West Pokot, ElgeyoMarakwet (1.91oC), Baringo (1.8oC), Laikipia (1.59oC) and Narok (1.75oC).
This, according to Dr Mohammed Said, one of the lead researchers, has impacted greatly on livestock survival, on one hand presenting a disaster, and on the other hand providing an opportunity that can be exploited
“There were winners and losers,” he told delegates at the forum. “Generally, cattle do not survive the higher temperatures, while at the same time, sheep and goat population increased exponentially,” said Dr Said.
According to the study, whose theme was to harness opportunities for climate-resilient economic development in semi-arid lands and identifying the potential for economic transformation and diversification in semi-arid lands especially in the beef value chain, the overall population of cattle in all the semi arid counties reduced by more than 26% between the year 1977 and 2016.
However, the study also reveals that goats and sheep population increased tremendously by 76% in the same period, with camels’ population increased by 14%. “This shows that goats, sheep and camels enjoyed the higher temperatures while cattle could not survive the stress,” said Dr Said.
“We’ve seen great potential for implementing some of the adaptation options and I call upon the stakeholders gathered here today, to pull together so we can build resilience and open up the ASALs for trade, investments and better livelihoods,” said Kuria of KMT.
In Nyeri County for example, Dr James Gakuo began with buying severely emaciated cattle for fattening at his farm in Kiganjo through intensive system of beef production that focuses on feeding cattle for 90 days on concentrate feeds till they reach the desired weight for the market, thereby creating a market for such animals that would otherwise have died.
In just two years, 14 other farmers have followed into his footsteps, and are in the business of fattening emaciated cattle thus providing more market to pastoralists who are hardly hit by tough climatic conditions.
Another study looked at the land tenure with special focus on Maasai pastoralist community in Kajiado County.
The study found out that 64 percent of the entire Kajiado County is now private land that is not open for grazing.“Though this has provided opportunity because privatisationcan always lead to greater investment opportunities for those who can secure land, it marginalizes the poor and particularly women in the process,” said Dr Stephen Moiko, one of the lead researchers.
According to Dr Eva Ludi of ODI, these findings will be presented at the Talanoa Dialogue in Bonn, Germany come May 2018.
The purpose of Talanoa Dialogue is for parties to share climate change related stories, build empathy and to make wise decisions for the collective good.
According to Dr Said, county governments should also take advantage of the research findings and scenario projections to develop their spatial plans.
“These findings will be important in formulation of new policies and strategies such as the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP 2018-2022), the National Wildlife Conservation and Management Strategy, and the County Development Integrated Plans (CIDPs),” said Joseph Muhwanga, the PRISE project National Coordinator in Kenya.
NAIROBI Kenya (PAMACC News) - A team of scientists from the Kenya Markets Trust (KMT) on April 11, 2018 shared all the key research findings of four different thematic studies conducted in Kenya under the Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies (PRISE) project.
“The Kenya government is now focusing on the “Big Four” agenda aimed at improving livelihoods, creating jobs and growing the economy by focusing on critical areas of the economy in the next five years,” noted Kamau Kuria, the head of KMT.
“It is noteworthy that part of the PRISE study, which aimed at strengthening the understanding and knowledge of decision makers on the threats and opportunities that semi-arid economies face in relation to climate change, will go a long way in helping unlock the potential of semi-arid lands in Kenya and thus enhance their contribution to the national agenda,” he told delegates drown from Kenya , Senegal, International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Overseas Development Institute (ODI) during the event to disseminate key research findings in a Nairobi Hotel.
The study, which was commissioned by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada and the UK based Department for International Development (DFID) aims atsupporting climate resilient economic development in partner countries by identifying opportunities for adaptation that are also opportunities for investment by the public and private sectors.
“These findings from Kenya will help change the narrative in semi-arid areas,” said Dr Eva Ludifrom the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) – which is coordinating the PRISE project at a global level.
According to Dr Evans Kitui of IDRC, direct involvement of government officials both at the county and the national level is a pointer towards implementation of policies that will emanate from the four studies. “In the past, research has not been well appreciated. But now, we can see a lot of government participation,” he said.
One of the studies found that in the past 50 years, temperatures have risen in all the 21 semi arid counties in Kenya, with five of them recording an increase of more than 1.5oC increase. They include Turkana (1.8oC), West Pokot, ElgeyoMarakwet (1.91oC), Baringo (1.8oC), Laikipia (1.59oC) and Narok (1.75oC).
This, according to Dr Mohammed Said, one of the lead researchers, has impacted greatly on livestock survival, on one hand presenting a disaster, and on the other hand providing an opportunity that can be exploited
“There were winners and losers,” he told delegates at the forum. “Generally, cattle do not survive the higher temperatures, while at the same time, sheep and goat population increased exponentially,” said Dr Said.
According to the study, whose theme was to harness opportunities for climate-resilient economic development in semi-arid lands and identifying the potential for economic transformation and diversification in semi-arid lands especially in the beef value chain, the overall population of cattle in all the semi arid counties reduced by more than 26% between the year 1977 and 2016.
However, the study also reveals that goats and sheep population increased tremendously by 76% in the same period, with camels’ population increased by 14%. “This shows that goats, sheep and camels enjoyed the higher temperatures while cattle could not survive the stress,” said Dr Said.
“We’ve seen great potential for implementing some of the adaptation options and I call upon the stakeholders gathered here today, to pull together so we can build resilience and open up the ASALs for trade, investments and better livelihoods,” said Kuria of KMT.
In Nyeri County for example, Dr James Gakuo began with buying severely emaciated cattle for fattening at his farm in Kiganjo through intensive system of beef production that focuses on feeding cattle for 90 days on concentrate feeds till they reach the desired weight for the market, thereby creating a market for such animals that would otherwise have died.
In just two years, 14 other farmers have followed into his footsteps, and are in the business of fattening emaciated cattle thus providing more market to pastoralists who are hardly hit by tough climatic conditions.
Another study looked at the land tenure with special focus on Maasai pastoralist community in Kajiado County.
The study found out that 64 percent of the entire Kajiado County is now private land that is not open for grazing.“Though this has provided opportunity because privatisationcan always lead to greater investment opportunities for those who can secure land, it marginalizes the poor and particularly women in the process,” said Dr Stephen Moiko, one of the lead researchers.
According to Dr Eva Ludi of ODI, these findings will be presented at the Talanoa Dialogue in Bonn, Germany come May 2018.
The purpose of Talanoa Dialogue is for parties to share climate change related stories, build empathy and to make wise decisions for the collective good.
According to Dr Said, county governments should also take advantage of the research findings and scenario projections to develop their spatial plans.
“These findings will be important in formulation of new policies and strategies such as the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP 2018-2022), the National Wildlife Conservation and Management Strategy, and the County Development Integrated Plans (CIDPs),” said Joseph Muhwanga, the PRISE project National Coordinator in Kenya.
NAIROBI, Kenya, PAMACC News– Climate experts representing governments, private sector, finance and research institutions from Africa met in Nairobi, Kenya from 9–10 April 2018 to discuss collaboration and technology transfer related to climate change ahead of the Africa Carbon Forum.
Nationally-selected technology focal points (National Designated Entities, or NDEs) from more than 40 countries including Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa shared experiences and best practices in the region. The United Nations Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) hosted to the regional forum.
"Africa is facing increasing challenges from changing weather patterns, increasing droughts and extreme rain and floods that have an impact on the security of food supplies. By serving as a bridge between developing countries' technology needs and the proven expertise of finance, private sector and research experts from around the world, the CTCN builds partnerships that achieve countries' climate and development objectives", said CTCN Director Jukka Uosukainen.
The CTCN promotes the development and transfer of clean technologies, and provides developing countries with access to free technology solutions at their request by mobilizing relevant technology experts from a global network of more than 400 technology companies and institutions to design and deliver customized solutions. Over 100 technology transfers are currently underway in more than 75 countries for sectors ranging from agriculture and energy to industry and transportation. The CTCN provides expert policy and technology support to developing country stakeholders, coordinated by the NDEs.
"Most African countries have chosen clean energy technologies as a part of their environmental solutions. ICRAF supports these efforts through its work in developing cleaner options for woody biomass-based energy, a key technology used across the continent," said Tony Simons, ICRAF Director General. "In partnership with CTCN, we contribute to environmentally sustainable clean energy solutions by helping countries in Africa to formulate national policies and sub national programs designed to meet their national targets on climate through agroforestry".
As the implementing arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Mechanism, the Climate Technology Centre is hosted and managed by the United Nations Environment and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
The forum is organized together with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), a founding CTCN consortium partner. The Forum will be held during Africa Climate Week along with the Africa Carbon Forum (11–13 April).